We work with children and families everyday - and yet, as fathers, we know firsthand that parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Even those of us with years of experience helping others can still be caught off guard by the challenges of modern parenting.

We wanted to create a resource that helped parents and caregivers raise kids that thrive - especially as young people are navigating a world unlike any of us have ever seen, and are experiencing anxiety, depression as a result.

We believe it takes a village to proactively parent. Parenting for the Present aims to be an integral part of that village, offering a podcast that shares new research and strategies from experts, and working locally to ensure children in need have access to best-in-class behavioral and mental health services.

We don’t have all the answers, but we’re here to walk alongside parents and families as we all learn together!

-Early, Matthew and Andy

Meet the Team

  • Pastor

    Dr. Stoker is the Senior Minister of Central United Methodist Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Prior to being appointed at Central, Dr. Stoker served as the senior minister at First United Methodist Church Dallas for nine years. In that role, he forged strong partnerships with the Dallas Mayor’s Office, the Dallas Arts District, the Dallas Independent School District and local and national education and literacy advocates. Dr. Stoker's formidable leadership skills and passion for equality combined with his research in practical theology and systems theory give him a unique voice in the areas of social justice, advocacy, community outreach and racial reconciliation.

    Dr. Stoker is married to Megan Callahan Stoker, a registered pediatric nurse, and they have two children. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University and earned his seminary degree from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. Dr. Stoker completed a Doctor of Philosophy in Family Studies from Texas Woman's University. In his spare time, he enjoys studying architecture, visiting art museums, and reading.

  • Pediatrician

    Dr. Denison is a pediatrician in the Dallas area and partner in his medical practice. He’s a proud Texas A&M Aggie and received his MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He completed his pediatric internship and residency at Children’s Medical Center, and he has an MBA with a healthcare focus.

    Dr. Denison is married and has two daughters and a son. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, traveling, reading, and playing the guitar and cello.

  • Child psychologist

    Dr. Housson is a clinical psychologist and founder of The Housson Center in Dallas. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1996. He began his career at The University of Texas at Dallas, Callier Center for Communication Disorders. Dr. Housson has extensive experience diagnosing autism, attention disorders, learning disabilities, and emotional and behavioral disorders.

    Dr. Housson provides individual and family psychotherapy services to address behavioral and emotional concerns, as well as conduct psychoeducational and psychological assessments for children, adolescents, and adults. Additionally, he enjoys parent training and working with families to identify appropriate educational environments and accommodations for optimal learning opportunities. He also serves on various educational and community boards.

    Dr. Housson and his wife live in Dallas with their four children. Passionate about the benefits of exercise and being outdoors, he rides his road bike and gets to his ranch as often as he can.