Thrivers with Dr. Michele Borba, Ed. D.

If we were to boil down our hopes and dreams for our children into one word, it would be hard to think of a better one than 'thrive'. No matter the specifics, we want to see our kids be happy, healthy, and successful.

If we were to boil down our hopes and dreams for our children into one word, it would be hard to think of a better one than ‘thrive’. No matter the specifics, we want to see our kids be happy, healthy, and successful. But, due to social pressures and outdated cultural norms, it can be easy to put our parental energy in the wrong places on our quest to help thrive. So how do we help them become their fullest selves?

Dr. Michele Borba has taken the better part of 40 years to answer that question. She is an internationally renowned educator, award-winning author, and parenting child expert recognized for her solution-based strategies to strengthen children’s character, resilience, and reduce peer cruelty. All of that experience has led to her most recent book, Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine. Through vigorous research, she has uncovered the seven essential traits that kids (and adults) need to thrive. She joins our hosts today to discuss her findings and offer parents of every stage encouragement and guidance on how to best guide our children’s social and emotional development.

Learn more about Dr. Michele Borba here.

Purchase Thrivers here.


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