Creating Your Child’s Voice with Creating Voices Therapy

Parents know all too well that children don't come with a handbook. Well, there's a reason for that; every child is different. Different in the way they grow, the way they learn, and the way they develop. It's our job as parents to help our children learn and to offer the best we can to help them reach their full potential.

Clare Coates M.S. CCC-SLP and Megan Davidson M.S. CCC-SLP are passionate about this mandate and made it their life's work. Out of a desire to see every child reach their full potential, they formed Creating Voices - a pediatric speech-language pathology clinic specializing in providing quality care for each child and their family. They provide specialized evaluations and individualized treatment for each child and their family, all within a supportive community of families with children who have communication and feeding needs. They join us to share tips, stories, and encouragement for every parent who has ever wondered if their child's needs are being met.

 About Creating Voices Therapy


Cultivating a Mindful Family with Amy Lewis Hofland


Our Ability to Love with Hollis Owens