Finding Mindful Moments as Proactive Parents with Dr. Elizabeth Cronin

The children we love and care so deeply for inarguably put high demands on our time and attention. This can make it challenging to find needed moments of peace and reflection, much less continually inhabit a state of mindfulness in our parenting. But at the same time, it is known that meditation and mindfulness can be immensely helpful physically, mentally, and spiritually. So how do we begin to create space for something that will improve the quality of life for us and our children? Enter Dr. Elizabeth Cronin, a clinical psychologist who blends her formal education in psychology with ongoing education in mindfulness and meditation. She joins us to dig into the why and the how of mindfulness in parenting. 

About Dr. Elizabeth Cronin

“On a personal note –

I know what it is like to live with stress and anxiety.  And I know what it’s like to conquer adversity, to recover from difficult times and to, not just heal, but grow.  Over the years, I experienced how engaging in therapy, participating in groups, and developing new ways of coping can bring about dramatic changes.  None of us needs to live with a level of distress that leaves us feeling bewildered, overwhelmed, or confused about what to do.  My personal experience with the benefits of psychotherapy and my years of experience providing therapy to others has taught me that making changes in our thoughts and behaviors can decrease difficulties and increase a sense of well being.

A more official summary –

I am a clinical psychologist in private practice in Brookline and Norwood, MA. I provide psychotherapy to individuals and couples who struggle with anxiety. I also teach, speak, and write on a variety of subjects including anxiety, stress management, mindfulness, meditation, and other themes from my work providing therapy.

I have a doctoral degree from William James College and a master’s degree from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. I have experience with Positive Psychology, Trauma Treatment, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Family and Couples Treatment, Mindfulness and Meditation. In addition, I have completed several levels of training with Mindfulness Without Borders and am currently enrolled in a two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.

I am passionate about helping others overcome difficulties, small or large, while increasing their personal well-being. I blend my formal education in psychology with my ongoing education in Mindfulness and Meditation.”


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